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1 webevintage  Thu, Sep 2, 2010 9:45:03am

It won't matter.
The wingnut tea party hater types (or for that matter a good number of GOP folks) do not care about reality or truth if it does not feed into the narrative that they have created.

2 SpaceJesus  Thu, Sep 2, 2010 9:52:27am

one brown coming into america is one brown too many


3 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Sep 2, 2010 10:08:35am

Immigration is a strange topic, rife with memes from the right and the left.
So lets set that aside and take advantage of a documentary showing us the reality on the ground at the borders.

Must see TV. No embed unfortunately.

Beyond that-
The real paradigm is that even the federal statute is unacceptable to undocumented immigration activists. And let's see how scary (to the activists, perfectly reasonable to me) the Federal immigration law is. So scary LAPD refuses to have anything to do with it.

Or try this link-
There is the wingnuts on the right and open border advocates on the left.

4 Buck  Thu, Sep 2, 2010 1:05:58pm

That is NOT really the issue that is coming forward right now.

What to do with undocumented persons when you find them? When they commit crimes, when they are discovered due to other law enforcement matters.

The Arizona kerfuffle is not about stopping them at the border, as much as it is what can States (should States) do once someone is discovered in the USA illegally.

"Sanctuary Cities" are named this due to the lack of enforcement of existing federal laws. They are not "Open Border Cities".

The outrage comes from American citizens who are being labeled racist for wanting to do exactly what the federal law says they should do. Outraged to be labeled racist by Mexican officials who would never give sanctuary to illegals in their own country. Outraged to be reported to the UN Human Right cartel for wanting to pass laws that almost every UN member country has, and enforces.

If you are caught in the country illegally, you will be sent back to where you came from.

What does Iran do when they find some hikers walking across their border without papers? What would Mexico do? North Korea? Sweden? Costa Rica?

5 wrenchwench  Thu, Sep 2, 2010 1:52:01pm

re: #4 Buck

We don't set our standards by what other countries do.

Many jurisdictions have programs that check the citizenship status of people who have been arrested. SB1070 wanted to expand that to people who don't get arrested, but do have some kind of encounter with law enforcement. I call that getting greedy. They should implement the jail program in more jurisdictions, and increase funding for the courts that are dealing with the huge caseload so more cases get prosecuted instead of dismissed. SB1070 is only going to make that more difficult.

6 Jeff In Ohio  Thu, Sep 2, 2010 2:16:11pm

re: #4 Buck

That is NOT really the issue that is coming forward right now.
The outrage comes from American citizens who are being labeled racist for wanting to do exactly what the federal law says they should do. Outraged to be labeled racist by Mexican officials who would never give sanctuary to illegals in their own country. Outraged to be reported to the UN Human Right cartel for wanting to pass laws that almost every UN member country has, and enforces.

If you are caught in the country illegally, you will be sent back to where you came from.

What does Iran do when they find some hikers walking across their border without papers? What would Mexico do? North Korea? Sweden? Costa Rica?

I don't know? What do they do? Put them in jail? Are you suggesting putting undocumented aliens in jail? And then clothing, feeding, housing and providing them with free medical care? This is the issue? Wouldn't be cheaper to give them a green card, school their kids and take their tax dollars?

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